What is the correct way to practice Nichiren Buddhism? |
What is the correct way to practice Nichiren Buddhism? Practicing Nichiren Buddhism correctly consists of three things: Faith - which is faith in your humanity, faith in your own being, faith in your potential and faith in your own life.
Secondly: Study: Study consistants of furthering your mind, understanding the Buddhist teachings, mainly the Lotus Sutra, the writings of Nichiren Daishonin, and other teachers like Daisaku Ikeda, Josei Toda and many more great men and women who teach this wonderful practice, but also understanding other religions, reading and educating yourself, as education is the key to your understanding of the world and becoming a better, happier more rounded person. (see footnote for links to study)
Finally; Practice: This is the daily practice of chanting nam myoho renge kyo which we believe unlocks an innate quality in all human beings. A wellspring of compassion. But these qualities have to be nurtured, if they are not nurtured from a young age within us, they will not blossom.
And if a person has lived a life without these qualities present it will take time for the flowers of this compassion to bloom.
All three aspects work together; if one is missing there is no Buddhism.
You are practicing correctly when all three function in beautiful harmony with one another.
But this takes effort, and a solid practice is not easy. Because if it was easy then it would not be worth doing.
Nothing worth doing came easily, to anyone.
Life is a wonderful adventure, it helps knowing we have a guiding light to help us unravel the mysteries of life and death.
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Nam myoho renge kyo
Further reading:
Study the Gosho (The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin:
Read quotes and articles by Daisaku Ikeda:
Study Buddhist Concepts: