Friday 11 March 2011

The impermanence of life.

a fragile biosphere?
The earthquake and tsunami in Japan is another example of how fragile our lives are on this small blue planet.

Most of us go about our daily lives, playing on our iPhones, updating our Facebook, trying to get attention that our ever growing egos crave. We work, we sleep, we eat and we become so oblivious to the impermanence of our lives.

As we sit and daydream our lives away, we forget how precious each moment really is, until the next massive natural disaster hits our planet and in turn, wakes us up a little more to the important things.

When the sea is raging and the skys turn black with storms; stocks, bonds, credit cards, iphones, fast cars, big houses and our money are all meaningless.

In a world where we have become more and more disconnected from each other, events like this serve as a reminder for our need to be connected with each other.

In the social media world, I look at a lot of clips and read a lot of news. I also soak up the comments and opinions and have been rather appalled by what some people have been saying.

Many of the comments range from; God Bless Japan, to Japan is being washed away because Japanese people dont believe in Jesus or God.

How very loving and compassionate of said Christians…. Frankly if Jesus was in the presence of such comments, I do believe he would weep.

Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Storms, Disease, Decay are all natural cycles in nature, every thing that is born must die, and every thing we create will eventually decay and fall apart.

It is the natural law of life. The energy locked with in all living things, the energy that sustains its existence is impermanent, it must and will be freed at some point.

We are part of a framework, in-fact, we are the framework. Unfortunately over the last 1000 years or more, we have become so disconnected from who and what we are.

Human beings see them selves as separate from nature, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. We are nature, we are part of this web. We are the web. But the more we pick at the web and try to re-arrange it, manipulate it, genetically re-engineer it, reshape it, terraform it, farm it, the more we destroy the natural balance.

From a human point of view, earthquakes and tsunamis are tragic, they destroy our homes, our communities and our lives. But from a natural point of view, from the point of view of the earth, its a necessary part of life on earth.

If the tectonic plates didnt move, the earth would be a barren wasteland, devoid of life.

It would have never become the beautiful rich garden of life that is is now.

As the plates crash and churn, they release minerals and life bringing substances to the surface. 

The minerals feed the plants, the plants feed the animals, the smaller animals feed the bigger animals, and the cycle goes around and around.

So without these processes we would not be here right now. And you would most certainly not be sitting there reading this.

The world would be a very different place. Cold, dark and dead.

Cold, Dark ... Dead?

Cherish your life, your family and your friends.

It could all be gone tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you very much for this post! Very well said. I can feel your sentiments. Can i re-post this on my facebook notes page? You are a true disciple of Nichiren Daishonin & our mentor, Pres. Ikeda! I am very happy to meet you, my fellow Boddhisatva of the Earth.

  3. Hi Benjel, thanks for your comment. Of course you can use it! :-) you can see i have a page on facebook. Just Click the LIKE button on the right hand side and you can see it there.


  4. Kosen rufu as explained by the Buddha, is when the world will be so peaceful that the rain won't even clod the soil. By saying that it is the way it has to be is denying this possibility and indeed what Nichiren has stated. We are constantly sending out electromagnetic influences, created by our good and bad thoughts, words and actions. It is those combined influences coming from us that help to build pressure in our environment, including that which moves the tectonic plates. I believe Nichiren explained it as being the combined good or bad causes that effect the weather, mountains and trees etc.
    Buddhism also teaches that nothing that happens is just coincidence - everything is cause and effect. While it may be natural for one to grow old and die, it is not natural if one's death is due to being poisoned or slaughtered etc.
    yes, it is natural for the plates to move and so on. But that doesn't have to happen on a large scale as this quake to keep the world going. It can be done with smaller quakes - as can shifts in the plates.
    This quake has ended the lives of many people - many among them will be SGI members and Nichiren Shoshu members. Those of us still living have to look at this seriously and ask ourselves why? - Particularly why in Japan where 10% chant NMRK? A lot of people will be asking this question, including non members who know about Buddhism.
    My answer is that we may have strayed. Perhaps we need to go back to the Gosho for the answer. Are we actually doing what Nichiren taught? Is our attitude correctly in line with his teaching. What can we do to improve things? Perhaps we all need to put a lot more emphasis on the LAW NMRK Itself.

  5. Thank you Bobby!:) A lot of my SGI friends liked this when I reposted it on my Notes page...I am enjoying your blog!It`s really wonderful & I`m very encouraged!I already liked your page on facebook:)

  6. always a pleasure. :-) glad to be of help!



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