Monday, 23 April 2012

Earth - The Keys to the Living Library

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Embracing the goddess energy (the mystic law of creation/expression/manifestation) within yourselves.
Will bring all of you to a new understanding and value of life.
A vision that inspires you to live and love on planet earth.

Like a priceless jewel.. Buried in dark layers of soil and stone.
Earth radiates her brilliant beauty.. Into the caverns of space and time.

Perhaps your are aware of those who watch over your home. And experience it as a place to visit and play with reality.

You are becoming aware of yourself as a game master.

Imagine earth restored to her regal beauty. Stately trees seem to brush the deep blue sky.
Clouds billow to form majestic peaks. The songs of birds fill the air.
Creating symphony upon symphony.

The goddess is calling for and honouring.
Of what she allows to be created.
From the core-mystery of the blood.

Those who own her planet are learning about love.

- The Pleadians

My T

(An excerpt from a book I read when I was just 17. This tells of a race of beings from a different star system. They are just like us in many ways, but much further along on the path of evolution and consciousness. We are like their distant cousins. )

The source of this information is not important. What is important is the message. So whether you believe in parallal worlds, life on other worlds or not. This is an important message for our generation.

My interpretation of this passage is a call to action for all of humanity. We have been given a unique opportunity to be here on this earth, "a priceless jewel" as it is put above, however we have misused it and forgotten our purpose.

Slowly people are becoming more aware of themselves as game masters or game changers. These are people waking up to the reality of their potential as human beings.

The time of technology and knowledge is upon us. With the ability to access information instantly, from where ever you are. This will manifest the unification of ideas and thoughts.

It wont be easy, as this new technology is a double edged sword. It has the potential to destroy us as well as free us.

- Bobby

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