Thursday, 4 October 2012

Buddhism and Suffering

What kind of shield do you have?

Being a Buddhist does not make you immune to suffering, or destined to live a charmed life free from the troubles of mankind.

It simply means you are equipped with the tools to take a different path, it reminds you of the wisdom you posses, to help you navigate the rough seas of life.

When illness, grief or suffering overcomes us, this does not mean we have failed.

We should remind our selves that with every new life, and with every passing moment, we have another opportunity to try again and to win.

There are no failures, only growth.



  1. Robbie, I have to say it! Once again, your work has led me to a great realization! Recently, I was told that I was practicing incorrectly. This came from a member that I hold in the highest regard. It broke my heart. She said this because I have comitted the Gongyo to heart. I do not use a Liturgy book. Very rarely, I make a mistake. Having the sutra memorized has led to a great sense of confidence and passion to my practice. So, I have been suffering, in a complete Hell state, over her correcting me. After reading your post, I realize I must be true to my self. I must practice in a way that connects me and the Ultimate Law. There are other things that I do that upset other SGI members. I don't want to disrespect someone, but I MUST be me. I MUST practice the way that most speaks to me. You think I am wrong? P.S. Recently, a Gohonzon from the 1800's was gifted to me. I believe I will leave it closed, safely in it's box. Nonetheless, how cool is that?! Handwritten Gohonzon!

  2. Buddhas giving guidance to Buddhas. In what Sutra can we find such a teaching? In the SGI we find the leaders performing the forceful practices [shakubuku] on their members and the preaceful practices [shoju] on every heretic and slanderer. In the sGI black is white and white is black. Do you know why SGI leaders and members can not distinguish between black and white? Go to your Writings of Nichiren Daishonin search engine and plug in black and white for your answer.

  3. Buku, thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I am afraid your comment makes no sense to me at all. Why would one person not share their thoughts with others. After all we all have free will, we all have the choice to follow the advice and guidence of others or not.

    This blog exists to inspire, entertain and uplift people. Just like Buddhism was created to help people lift their lives out of suffering.

    Buddhism is not about dogma and TELLING others how they should live their lives.

    The middle path is about walking the line where we do our best to be good people and share our hearts with others.

    I am afraid that your apprent obesssion with soiling the name of the SGI has blinded you to the truth of life.

    Happiness will never come to you if you spend your time trying to control other peoples beliefs or points of view.

    Let go and spend your time building your own house of happiness before you try to build houses for others.



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